Monique Bertrand
Research Director, CESSMA, Université de Paris, IRD, France
Monique BERTRAND is a geographer and director at the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD). She is also a member of the African, American and Asian Centre for Social Sciences, University of Paris (Centre d'études en sciences sociales sur les mondes africains, américains et asiatiques). As a specialist in sub-saharan Africa, she coordinated the "West African mobilities" project, financed by the National Agency for Research. This year she has released two publications dedicated to “Africa and property desires. Diverse perspectives from Mali” (Une Afrique des convoitises foncières. Regards croisés depuis le Mali) (Toulouse, Presses universitaires du Midi), and "Bamako. From the town to the agglomeration" (Bamako. De la ville à l’agglomération) (IRD - Editions).